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Atiduodamos anketos

Mylène Verona Teivel
It's the rule of life that everything you have always wanted comes the second you stop looking for it.
It's the rule of life that everything you have always wanted comes the second you stop looking for it.
Mylène Verona Teivel
Atiduodamos anketos 2024-05-28, 6:56 pm

Atiduodamos anketos

Naujų narių registracija šiuo metu yra išjungta. Raginame imti atiduodamas anketas.

x jeigu esate forumo narys:šioje temoje parašykite, kaip pavadinti anketą ir slaptažodį atsiųsime į pm'ą

x jeigu esate naujas narys:

Šioje temoje parašykite, kaip pavadinti anketą.
Slaptažodį parašysime čia.
Prisijungę gausite pm'ą iš adminų primenanti pasikeisti slaptažodį.
Būtinai iškart pasikeiskite slaptažodį, nes būtent dėl šio prašymo nevykdymo buvo panaikintos atiduodamos anketos.

svarbu: kol anketos slaptažodis nebus pakeistas, nebūsite pridedamas į grupę (dėl to matysite tik pirmą forumo kategoriją)

Atiduodamas anketas rasite čia

Atiduodamos anketos 2192631791  Atiduodamos anketos 2192631791  Atiduodamos anketos 2192631791

Last edited by Mylène Verona Teivel on 2024-09-01, 7:34 pm; edited 3 times in total
Re: Atiduodamos anketos 2024-08-23, 9:22 pm

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Mylène Verona Teivel
It's the rule of life that everything you have always wanted comes the second you stop looking for it.
It's the rule of life that everything you have always wanted comes the second you stop looking for it.
Mylène Verona Teivel
Re: Atiduodamos anketos 2024-08-23, 9:36 pm

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Re: Atiduodamos anketos 2024-09-03, 1:35 pm

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Venetia Romee Piastri
Life isn’t a longevity contest. It’s a contest in quality. What good you can get from life, what good you can give it.
Life isn’t a longevity contest. It’s a contest in quality. What good you can get from life, what good you can give it.
Venetia Romee Piastri
Re: Atiduodamos anketos 2024-09-03, 1:57 pm

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Connie Lee McAllister
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Re: Atiduodamos anketos 2024-09-21, 11:42 am

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Venetia Romee Piastri
Life isn’t a longevity contest. It’s a contest in quality. What good you can get from life, what good you can give it.
Life isn’t a longevity contest. It’s a contest in quality. What good you can get from life, what good you can give it.
Venetia Romee Piastri
Re: Atiduodamos anketos 2024-09-21, 12:21 pm

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Re: Atiduodamos anketos

Atiduodamos anketos
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